Surrender - Life - Zurich


  1. Effective from September 16, 2018, Zurich accepts scanned encashment requests (Partial surrender/full surrender and maturity forms) from customer’s registered email address and the details are as follows:- Zurich would accept a scanned encashment request received from customer’s registered email address.

    - Joint owners can send the encashment request from either of their registered email addresses.

    - To prevent duplicate request, it is not necessary to send the original form to Zurich.

    - Scanned encashment request should be emailed to [email protected].

  2. Written cancellation request confirmation letter
  3. CS eform
  4. Supplemental Document-Declaration for Data Protection for Zurich International Life Limited ([S5])

Zurich Customer Hotline: 3405 7150 (for general enquiries ONLY)

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