Important Notice
Customer Due Diligence on Corporate Clients
LCD has issued the directive of customer due diligence on corporate clients on 01-Apr-2016. For details and its requirement, please refer to the FAQ > Customer Due Diligence on Corporate Clients.
Please refer to Sunlife Checklist for ClinicSME or contact COD for other Pre-Processing Requirement.
(OnePlatform Internal Document and Principal Document are required to submit)
OnePlatform Internal Document
1. Client Data Form
2. Client Agreement Application Form (CA form)
Principal Document
1. Application Form for Sun Life Financial - ClinicSME Plan (Please kindly refer to Form [A3])
2. Attached to and forming part of Application Form – Company Authorization (Please kindly refer to Form [C1])
3. Attached to and forming part of Application Form - Company Declaration on Shareholders / Directors / Partners / Owner Information (Please kindly refer to Form [C2])
4. Crossed Cheque for premium, payable to "Sun Life Hong Kong Limited"
5. Certified True Copy of Valid Business Registration Certificate (BR)
6. Certified True Copy of Certificate of Incorporation (CI)
7. Certified True Copy of HKID card / Passport of the authorized persons in the Company Authorization
8. Declaration of Insurability – to be completed by each employee aged 60 to 64 (Please kindly refer to Form [D1])
Sun Life Customer Hotline:21038928