Certified Proof of Address (POA)
A customer guide for anti-money laundering requirements - Asia (page 4 - page 5) (Updated: 7 Jan 2019)
The proof of address must be less than three months old upon receipt by us.
Non-bank credit card statement (e.g. AE card) is not acceptable.
- The address proof must be shown in full page.
- Please note that consultants submitting their own cases, the proof of address cannot be certified by their own. They must arrange another consultant to certify the document.
The certifier must be the unrelated third party which means he CANNOT be the relative of the policy owners, insured and payer. Please have another consultant to certify the document.
If the address proof is in Chinese wording, please translate it into English. Then write the English address besides the Chinese address.
- Zurich will accept the client's written confirmation on residential address in Chinese as it is translated into English with the following wording, "I confirm this is a true translation of the original document" .
- For Certified copy of China ID, the following criteria must be met: (Updated: 22 Sep 2015)
1. The applicant is resident in the People Republic of China (PRC);
2. The address on the valid China ID card, matches the residential address that is stated with the form;
3. The application is compliant with the current business acceptance requirements.
4. The address is translated into English.
5. Both sides of the ID copy must be provided.
- For address proof issued by employer of client, please refer to the sample for reference. Please note that it must be an original letter on company headed paper from the policyowner's employer, confirming that they are an employee and the current residential address of the policyowner (if a P.O. box number, then a description of the physical location of the residential address is required). The letter must be signed by someone in a position of authority e.g. manager, director, etc. and show the name and capacity of the person who has signed the letter. For HK residents, a proof of employment (such as employment contract) may be required and it is subject to case review.
- Letter from bank on company headed paper must be an original. This must be from a bank, resident and regulated in a recognized jurisdiction that has comparable AML regulations to the Isle of Man with which the policy owner has an account, and confirms the policy owner’s current Residential Address. The bank letter should indicate Bank Account number in Full, Client name in Full, Issue date of the letter, Bank's letter head, Bank's chop, Bank's signatory full name & Title too. The bank letter MUST indicate "Residential Address" instead of just mention Address". If the bank letter is addressed to "Zurich International Life Limited", the original of the letter is required instead of a suitable certified copy.
- A Tax Assessment document, this must be an original or certified by a suitable certifier and include the name and address of applicant and official reference number, date of issue and name and address of the government authority that issued the assessment. This must be less than three months old upon receipt by Zurich.
Any certification must contain the following: (Updated: 4 Nov 2015)
- Include a statement to the effect of "I certify that this document is a true copy of the original".**
- Signed and dated by the suitable certifier.
- Suitable certifier’s name is written in capital letters underneath their signature.
- Suitable certifier’s capacity must be stated e.g. lawyer, suitable certifier including full companyname and address, telephone number, email address and where applicable, website address.
- Details of the suitable certifier’s regulatory/affiliate body including any reference numbers.
- State our pointed suitable certifier number (where applicable).
** Where an identifydocumentcontaining a photograph has been certified , the certification should state "I certify that this document is a true copy of the original and that the photograph is a true likeness of the holder."
*Please note that we will reject copy documentation that is not clear, legible, expired or contains incorrect or unclear certification wording.
Zurich Customer Hotline: 3405 7150 (for general enquiries ONLY)